The images in FOLIATE all have a common point of departure – a two color silkscreen of a foliate motif, each piece resolved in a unique manner using gouache, watercolor, pastels, colored pencils and markers. Birds, insects and lush vegetal matter populate the images and some are collaged with patterns derived from textiles, wallpaper, architectural elements, ceramics, etc. Usually, several prints are worked on concurrently, flitting from one to another as they evolve.

FROM THE MANTLEPIECE, 2024, 22” x 15”, gouache on paper
PINK PEONY, 2024, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, collage, gouache, colored pencil on Rives
WARP & WEFT, 2024, 19” x 15”, silkscreen, gouache on Rives BFK
THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MANTLE, 2024, 22” x 15”, silkscreen, gouache on Rives
SQUIGGLE, 2024, 19” x 15”, silkscreen, gouache on Rives BFK
WONDERLAND, 2024, 36” x 24”, digital print, gouache on Hannemühle
QUERCELLE, 2023, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, gouache, gold leaf on Magnani Pescia Green
LIMESICLE, 2023, 19” x 12 “, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
CAPITAL, 2023, 19” x 23”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
BOOTHBAY, 2023, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
ALWAYS, 2023, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
PARROT TULIP, 2023, 22” x 15”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
GLOWWORM ON A WARM JUNE NIGHT, 2023, 19” X 12”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
THE SOLACE OF THE GREEN BEETLE, 2023, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, gouache, collage on Magnani Pescia Green
FLIT, 2023, 22” 15”, gouache on paper
FROTH, 2023, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
FILIGREE, 2023, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
IT STARTED HERE, 2023, 19” x 12”, silkscreen, gouache on Magnani Pescia Green
EVERY LITTLE THING, 2023, 19’ x 12”, digital print, gouache on Hannemühle